tisdag 3 maj 2016

Som om jag sagt det själv.

Land mammal said.

"One year ago" marked the beginning of my thru-hike of the Appalachian Trail. I reached the northern terminus just shy of 7 months ago and not a day has gone by that I haven’t found myself reminiscing. The AT is so much more than a long walk in the woods, it’s a community founded upon random acts of kindness, generosity between strangers, and the pursuit of a common goal.

Nowhere else will you meet aerospace engineers and high-school dropouts, retirees and veterans all thrown together on level ground; laughing around the same campfire or huddling from the cold in the same shelter. Because the Appalachian Trail will do that to you, she beats the hell out of you every day until your ego is sufficiently stripped, then teaches you that you are entitled to nothing and better than no one.

I miss the feeling of watching the sun go down from a ridgeline not knowing where to spend the night. I miss the “fuck it” feeling when you’re 10 miles from the next shelter, stuck in a downpour and soaked to the bone. I miss the taste of instant rice cooked over a beer can after a 25-mile day. Most of all though, I miss my Hickers.
Thank you to everyone who made walking 2,189.2 miles a reality. You know who you are. I may have hiked solo but I was never alone."

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