onsdag 28 december 2016

Sarver cabin

Denna kåk passerade jag under min vandring längds Nord Amerikas östkust. 

Den stod lite halvgömd 20 minuters gångväg från östkustens största Ek. (Förutom den i New York) Och en bit in i skogen från trailen.


Jag tog ett kort, kollade runt bland ruinerna och undrade så smått vem som hade hållit till där tidigare sedan vandrade jag vidare. Nu 18 månader senare hittade jag en liten historia om huset.

In the 1850s, a man by the name of Henry Sarver built a modest cabin for his family in these woods. Marked by the Civil War and then the Great Depression, the time the family spent here proved difficult. Many of the Sarver children suffered death, as made evident by the nearby tombstones. 

The area has not been occupied by the Sarver family since the 1950s.
The house has deteriorated considerably, even in the past decade. Abandoned buildings are often the subject of haunted tales, and the Sarver Cabin is no exception. According to legend, there’s a ghost who surveys the woods after dark and likes to shake campers awake. Disembodied footsteps are heard, particularly around the shelter, and sometimes ghostly figures appear in photographs.

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